Sunday, August 31, 2008

28 days later

I went to the Indianapolis, IN 5th saturday requiem game last night, and let me tell you it was awesome.  There were about 20/25 people in attendance, and most were engaged in some way or another with either the main plot, or socializing.  This was also the first game for the new storyteller.  Margaux is still young, and has to get better at micro-managing but she has great potential and will become one of the better ST's in the area with a bit of time. 

There were several travelers in from out of town. Some from as far away as Toledo, Ohio, and Columbus, Ohio. There were some interesting developments the most unique developments was when there seems to be a mortal in the midsts of the vampires who seemed to know just to much about us. Upon inspection, it was found to be a possessed moral, and before the ritual culminated, the mortal was sadly destroyed and the spirt may have fled. 

My character, kept to the social front most of the night, talking, mingling and schmoozing with the few people he could. 

The Requiem venue always offers a wide array of things to do, unique people to meet, befriend, exploit, and watch epic fail.  There are Social slayings, where words are the peronss undoing, and they cant show face again. There are puzzles and enigmas to solve.  There is somtimes strait up combat against outsiders, or sometimes other players.  There is no "Stereotype". There is only your imagination, your ability to create, and a love for an interesting time.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Muncie Camarilla

So, i went to the Muncie Camarilla games on saturday, and let me tell you. The were very intresting. 

Changeling started around 1 p.m. and there were around 15/20 of us. My character was not central to any of the main plot, and spent most of the night learning more about the city, and changeling life.  The night centered around the return of the exiled former Summer King of the freehold, who was see to be attempting to harm other changelings, and members of this freehold, and seen to be a danger to us all.  There was plotting, and planing. Nothing went quite as wanted.Finally he was tracked as he returned to the bar we had started at. Sadly he was killed for his actions. During the melee the bar was completely smashed after he in is dying breath incited bedlam in his attackers.  
The changeling game ended, and many of us went out to eat lunch.  I was with a small group who went to The Pita Pit, then to Scotty's Brewhouse. Good times were had bay all.  

Then came The Requiem, and let me tell you it was something completely diffrent My pc was out most of the night, and thusly I got to watch much of the plot and things unfold.  There was  were man intresting things that went on.  It started with a praxis seizure  by an Invictus Gangrel, and the fights between his faction, and the Former holders faction lead by a gangrel Carthian.  There was alot of verbal wrangling, and it ended with the Invictus being the prince of the city of Muncie.  Things were smooth after that, and fun was had by most. I personaly had a great time. After the game a group of us went to Ihop. We unwound, and had some pancakes, talked about nothing and had a good time. 

I love being in the Cam.